Feed resources and nutritional status of Malnad Gidda cows in the native tract of western Ghats of Karnataka: a case study


  • Bandla Srinivas ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore-560030, India
  • S. Jayakumar ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore-560030, India
  • K. P. Ramesha ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore-560030, India


Composition, Digestibility, Dwarf breed, Energy, Grasses, Protein, Sustainable


A study was conducted to assess the forage and grazing resources and intake of Malnad Gidda (MG); dwarf breed cattle in native tract of western Ghats, Karnataka. Forage consumption under grazing and microbial protein (MBP) production in rumen of 8 elite MG cows was studied. Malnad Gidda cows grazed on 6 species of grasses, 3 mixed grasses and 17 herbs in terrains areas. Crude protein contents in fresh grasses, including karada (mixed grasses) and dried roughage were ranged from 4.35 to 11.12% and 3.26 to 3.71%, respectively. Crude protein content of herbages was ranged from 7 to 17% except in Guadua angustifolia (Bambusa soppu; 3.46%). Dry matter intake (DMI) was 140 g/kg W0.75 which was 4.5% of the total body weight and included 480 g of cottonseed meal and 735 g of dry roughage. Crude protein intake was 366 g/d. Energy efficiency was only 35%. Heat increment (HI) was 70% of metabolizable energy. Mean MBP flow was 86 g/d and proportionate to body size. Study concluded that dwarf breed MG cows were sustainable on diets with 8% CP because of less maintenance requirements with MBP production in rumen of 2.5 g/kg W0.75, which was comparable to the other dairy breeds.


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How to Cite

Bandla Srinivas, S. Jayakumar, & K. P. Ramesha. (2021). Feed resources and nutritional status of Malnad Gidda cows in the native tract of western Ghats of Karnataka: a case study. Range Management and Agroforestry, 39(1), 103–108. Retrieved from https://publications.rmsi.in/index.php/rma/article/view/180


