Quality and production potential of green fodder and silage for kharif maize hybrid under rainy season in Punjab
A field study was carried out at Ladhowal Research Farm of ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, with the objective of finding out the best planting density and sowing date for kharif maize hybrid to maximize green fodder yield and quality silage production. The treatments consisted of two plant densities, i.e., normal density (ND; 60×20 cm) and high density (HD; 60×10 cm), with four dates of sowings in RBD factorial design with three replications. The hybrid PMH 1 sown in mid-July was comparatively superior to other sowing dates at both plant densities. However, yield ND had an edge over HD. Higher biological yield (611.1 q/ha) (p <0.001) and dry matter yield (205.3 q/ha) were reported for ND plots sown in mid-July. The dry matter (DM) content of forage varied (p <0.05) from 32.1 to 35.0%. Crude protein (CP) was high in early sowing and declined to a low level with advanced dates of sowing, whereas ether extract (EE) followed exactly the reverse trend. The dry matter intake and digestible dry matter values were significantly (p <0.001) higher in mid-July sowing. Silages prepared exhibited good ensiling characteristics for all dates of sowing and plant densities. However, mid-July sowing exhibited the lowest values with respect to neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, with improved nutritive profile, better feeding values, higher in-vitro potential and good fermentation characteristics. Based on this study it was concluded that mid-July sown hybrid PMH 1 had high yield, feed value, NGP as well as NDF digestibility compared to other dates of sowing.