Physiological and harvestable maturity of seeds in finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.]
Finger millet, Harvestable maturity, Morphological indices, Physiological maturity, Polynomial regression, Quality seed yieldAbstract
Identification of correct stage of physiological maturity (PM) and ideal stage of harvestable maturity (HM) of seeds in finger millet is important for production of quality seed. The earliest date of appearance of seed setting was considered as the first stage of harvest and subsequently eight harvests were made at weekly intervals. The seeds harvested at different intervals during two late post-rainy seasons of 2019 and 2020 were evaluated. The study revealed the seed PM at 37 DAA (days after anthesis) during the first year for the variety VL347. The next harvest at 44 DAA reduced the seed yield, vigour and storability traits significantly indicating suitable stage of HM at 40 DAA. More or less similar, the second year results also confirmed these stages of PM and HM in VL347. In case of VR936, maximum seed quality reached at harvest stage of 48 DAA, however it was non-significant at 41 DAA for most of these traits, and further the seed yield reduced significantly with later harvest at 48 DAA. These observations indicated the appropriate stage of PM at 41 DAA and possible HM at 44 DAA in VR936. Also, the predictions based on polynomial regression model (II order) more or less closely confirmed these stages of PM in VL347 and VR936. The morphological indices observed at PM and HM stages were that most of the plants and ears appeared in brown to dark-brown and the seeds in brown to copper color. The black layer depression developed at hilum region of seed that was prominently visible at PM stage. These indicators help to judge the right stage of crop harvest for quality seed production in finger millet.