Status and health of some natural pastures in south east Anatolia region of Turkey
Botanical composition, Invader species, Pasture condition, Plant coverAbstract
To study the status and health of pastures in Derik district of Mardin province in south east Anatolia region, seven natural pastures were surveyed by modified wheel point with loop. Total of 45 plant species were recorded in studied pastures. The study was carried out during May and June 2015. Plant species were divided into three different groups: decreasers, increasers and invaders according to the palatability of the plant species for the grazing animals. Average vegetation cover ratio was found as 70.0%. Plant cover percentages of grasses, legumes and other family plants in the total plant cover were 21.53%, 29.19% and 49.28%, respectively. Invasive species were found dominant in these studied pastures. Thus pastures of Mardin province were highly degraded, and sustainable management and rehabilitation techniques need to be urgently applied to stop this ongoing continuous degradation.