Effect of pre-sowing treatments on Prosopis pallida seed germination attributes
Germinability, Prosopis pallida, Seed treatments, Synchrony of germinationAbstract
Synchronized and rapid seed germination is advantageous for tree species management and promotion of their cultivation in agro-forestry. Early and synchronized seed germination in largely accepted agroforestry tree species is important to enhance mass production and distribution of seedlings in short rain spell areas. Thus, Prosopis pallida seeds were subjected to sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ) scarification treatments at 20%, 30% and 40% concentration for 10 minutes along with soaking in boiled water (80°C) for ten minutes and in cow-dung slurry for 24 hours. Scarification with 30% H2SO4 resulted in synchronized germination with 66% germinability, 6.4 day of mean germination time ( ) and mean germination rate ( ) of 0.16 day-1 whereas soaking in boiled water recorded lower germinability.