Seed yield and quality traits ideal for improvement of seed production potential in single and multi-cut forage sorghum types
Biplot analysis, Correlation, Forage sorghum, Seed quality, Seed yieldAbstract
The single-cut and multi-cut forage sorghum genotypes, including released cultivars and varieties in the pipeline, were evaluated over two years for seed yield and seed quality. Significant differences in seed yield and quality parameters were observed in single-cut and multi-cut genotypes. The correlations based on biplots and prediction plots for genotypes were found helpful in identifying the cultivars and traits that were well represented. The most suited genotypes for seed production potential in terms of seed yield and quality under single-cut types were CSV 30F, UTF 85, UP Chari 2 and Pant Chari 5; and under multi-cut were CoFS 29, PC 23, CBR73-R14 and SSG59-3.