Influence of aphids Aphis craccivora on yield parameters of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and their management with different IPM components


  • N.S. Kulkarni Southern Regional Research Station, ICAR-IGFRI, Dharwad-580005, India
  • Vinod Kumar Southern Regional Research Station, ICAR-IGFRI, Dharwad-580005, India


Aphids, IPM, Lucerne, Management, Predators


Aphids Aphis craccivora significantly influenced per cent pod set, germination per cent, green forage yield, dry matter yield and seed yields. Aphids were responsible for reduction of 12.06 per cent seed yield and 13.14 per cent green forage yield. In the present experiment, among the different IPM components tested, insecticide imidacloprid @ 0.3 ml/L, acephate @ 1g/L and acetamiprid @ 1 g/L were superior over conventional insecticides used. Entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana @5g/L, Verticilium lecanii@5g/L, predator Coccinella septumpunctata @ 10/m2 and Neem formulation (3,000 ppm) @ 2 ml/L were equally effective in managing aphid population. There was a strong positive correlation between aphid population and coccinellid predators (0.948). All the biological agents and Neem formulation were safe against natural enemies in comparison to insecticides. Among insecticides, field dosages of acephate, acetamiprid and imidacloprid were found safer to coccinellid predators compared to laboratory dosages.


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How to Cite

N.S. Kulkarni, & Vinod Kumar. (2021). Influence of aphids Aphis craccivora on yield parameters of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and their management with different IPM components. Range Management and Agroforestry, 41(1), 178–181. Retrieved from




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