Tree biomass and carbon sequestration in four short rotation tree plantations
Biomass, Carbon sequestration, Plantation, Short rotation treesAbstract
Biomass and carbon storage in four multipurpose tree plantation (Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo, Melia azedarach and Terminalia arjuna) after ten years were evaluated on riverain soils. Data revealed that total and component (stem, branch, leaf, bark and root) biomass among four species differed significantly. The biomass in different tree species was in the order of T. arjuna > A. catechu > D. sissoo > M. azedarach. Over the study period, the dynamic pattern of biomass carbon sequestration potential of different tree species was proportional to that of total biomass production. The highest biomass carbon sequestration potential, 9.54 t C ha-1 yr-1 was recorded in T. arjuna, whereas, least in M. azedarach (3.44 t C ha-1 yr-1). Total soil organic carbon (SOC) in surface soil (0-15 cm) ranged between 8.10 to 14.88 Mg ha-1. Total carbon sequestration in terrestrial system (biomass+ soil) was observed maximum in T. arjuna plantation with the rate of 11.03 t C ha-1 yr-1, which was 95 per cent more than tree-less area.