Biomass and carbon sequestration potential under silvipastoral system in sub-humid region of India
Biomass, Carbon sequestration, Carbon stock, Silvipastoral systemAbstract
A study was conducted to evaluate the biomass and carbon sequestration with intercrops of forage in 9 year old teak and gamhar based silvipastoral system. The maximum average tree height was recorded in gamhar (5.68 m) + hybrid napier, while all other attributes viz. diameter at breast height, tree volume (m3 tree-1), tree biomass, total carbon stock and carbon sequestration combining all components (tree species, forage crop and soil), were found highest in teak + hybrid napier (8.50 cm, 0.057m3 , 45.07 t ha-1, 45.16 t ha-1 and 165.74 t ha-1, respectively) with tree density of 833 trees ha-1.