Biophysical characterization of Kangeyam grasslands for land degradation vulnerability analysis
Grasslands, Land degradation, Regeneration, Soil indicators, Soil propertiesAbstract
Biophysical resources of Kangeyam grasslands located in Tiruppur district of Tamil Nadu were characterized to identify the vulnerability of grassland soils for land degradation. The grasslands of Kangeyam block were delineated by using high resolution satellite imagery (Resourcesat 2 LISS IV data) which is used as base for resource inventorisation. Soil profile study was carried out to identify the problems and potentials of land resources and surface samples were collected to know the fertility status of grasslands. Very shallow to moderately shallow calcareous red loamy soils were identified in the upper portion and deep calcareous loamy soils were found in lower portion of grasslands. The soil pH of surface soil was ranged from 7.52 to 8.76 and organic carbon ranged from 0.07 to 1.21%. Land degradation vulnerability analysis was carried out by assigning suitable scores to soil parameters, which favours land degradation. Key parameters like surface horizon thickness, pH, OC, CEC and CaCO3 etc. responsible for land degradation were used to identify environmentally sensitive areas for land degradation. The results showed that out of 6 identified soils, two soils (soil B & D) were very highly vulnerable to land degradation and soil C was highly vulnerable to land degradation.