Effect of feeding dried Moringa oleifera leaves on feed intake, milk production and biochemical parameters in Sahiwal cows
Biochemical parameters, Feed intake, Milk production, Moringa oleifera, Sahiwal cowsAbstract
The present trial was conducted for 35 days and a total of 18 Sahiwal cows were distributed in 3 equal groups. The animals in control group (T0 ) were fed with concentrate, green fodder and paddy straw, whereas in treatment groups T1 and T2 , 10% and 20% of concentrates, respectively were replaced by dried M. oleifera leaves. Significantly (P<0.01) higher average milk production was recorded in T2 group as compared to T1 and T0 groups. However, there was no significant effect of supplementation of M. oleifera on dry matter intake and milk composition. Biochemical parameters (serum globulin, blood urea nitrogen, serum glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyle transferase and lactate dehydrogenase) were also not affected by supplementation of M. oleifera leaves except total serum protein, albumin and total triglyceride. At the end of experiment, mean serum protein and globulin of T2 group was higher (P<0.05) than control group (T0 ), while total triglyceride concentration of T2 group was lower (P<0.05) than T0 group. It was concluded that dried moringa leaves could replace upto 20% of concentrate mixture in milch cows ration without any harmful effect.