Morpho-metric characterization of oat genotypes (Avena sativa L.) for agricultural sustainability under changing climatic conditions
Characterization, Crop improvement, Distinctness, Germplasm, OatAbstract
In the present investigation, DUS (distinctness, uniformity, stability) characterization of 112 oat genotypes performed using 29 qualitative and quantitative descriptors showed a wide range of genetic diversity, with stable expression under both seasons, but main culm pithiness had no variation and all the genotypes were without pith. High variability was reported for lowest leaves, hairiness of sheaths, leaf color, flag leaf blade width and plant height. Correlation analysis revealed that 1000 seed weight was highly significant and positively associated, while plant height positively correlated with early plant growth habits, flag leaf blade length, and main culm peduncle length. The dendrogram was constructed for 112 oat genotypes and grouped these genotypes into eight clusters. The maximum genotypes were grouped into cluster 2 with 55 genotypes, and minimum numbers were found in clusters 1 and 8 with two genotypes in each cluster. The study will be helpful for breeders in deciding efficient methods and strategies for future oat improvement and selecting primary material for the hybridization program.